Sunday, April 17, 2011

Project Two - Collage

What was your process like working on the collage? Did you have a clear plan in mind and proceed smoothly to an end result? Or did you discover unexpected things as you played with the design?

While working in Photoshop I usually never have an idea what the outcome of the project will be.  I really enjoy not knowing.  Exploring and trying new things is the fun of it.  I started with one thing, usually a photo, and then the ideas.  After a little while an idea started to form but it was always changing.  I wouldn’t say I had trouble coming to a result however just kept playing around and changing thing until I liked the outcome.    

Were they stages where the collage was unsettling? Did you keep it that way? Why or why not?

In the first collage (the photo of me with the yellow umbrella), it is very apparent of the differences and done on purpose.  I think that the collage as a whole has a very good abstract look with the umbrella deflecting the water coming from the hose.  I kept the collage unsettling because the pieces obviously don’t fit however overall they do form an overall picture.  I really enjoy the outcome of this collage. 
The second collage (the ice cream stand), was total accident.  I started with the background photo of the ocean and cliffs and then added the rock climber.  The rock climber was a task to work with.  Making sure that the rock climber fits into the photo and keeping the proportions correct took some time.  Also, adding to his shorts was necessary to seem like he was climbing up the rock.  By adding the ice cream stand it made the collage more ironic and unrealistic.  I added the “Will Return…” sign on the ice cream cart to emphasis the stupidity of having an ice cream stand on top of a giant rock especially since no one is there.  The collage came out as a funny joke with a small tag line added.   

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