Saturday, June 4, 2011

Term Project - Book Propsal

When I started to think about what I wanted to do for my book I really struggled.  I couldn’t really think of a particular topic or a theme for my book. I know that I am a simple person and I wanted to do a book that really explained itself.  I am not a very strong writer or drawer so I am a little caution of the book project.  During the class lecture in which book project examples where shared I enjoyed the books that had minimal text and the simple use of pictures for the story. 
I would like to create a book that is simple where the pictures explain the story.  I plan on making a child’s book.  I am very open to story and layout ideas.  I will be using photos from the Internet to make the book.
I do have an idea for a book with a bouncy ball because I really enjoy bouncy balls.  I want to make it really colorful and fun for young kids with big pictures.  I am thinking maybe depicting the journey a bouncy ball takes all over the city, similar to the movie “Babies Day Out”.  The baby takes an adventure all over the city.  Maybe a kid will throw the bouncy ball and it will just bounce all over the city ending up back at home at the end of the story. 
I am still working on an outline for the story with picture ideas.  I often don’t really outline something but just work on it and ideas just kind of flow.  I really enjoy that part of creating pieces using Photoshop.

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