Saturday, June 4, 2011

Term Project - Final Book


 Page Two and Three
Page Four and Five
Page Six
  Page Seven
  Page Eight

1.What skills that you acquired over the course of the term have been most helpful to you when it came to the book project?

At the beginning of this class I have had knowledge of Photoshop based on the classes Introduction of Graphics and Graphic I had taken however I had learned from trial and error.  This class has taught me some of the basic things that I didn’t know of.  I learned how the use of multiply layers and grouping layers could really help work through a project.  I copy layer like no other now.  Also, I have really expanded the use of the select tool and cutting/copying.  It really helped with placing things in the hand in my book.

3.What did you learn about keeping on a production schedule (whether by doing it or not doing this time) when it comes to an ambitious design project?

I learned that working on an art or creative piece like a book you really need to me in the mood to work on an assignment like this, which might affect a production schedule.  I don’t have Photoshop on my personal computer so it was difficult to schedule time to work on the project when a lab with Photoshop was open. Also, it is difficult for me to be focus when I don’t have the flexibility of working on the project when I want to.  Focusing and setting time to work on project was difficult for me.  Also, when I do start to work on something I tend to really get into it and find it hard to stop working and it is difficult when the lab is closing or I have to leave.  I have learned from this assignment that it is really important to keep on schedule because then you have to time to make changes if need be.

4.What do you plan to do with your book (sell it, gift it, burn it, etc.)?

I have on plans for my book.  I probably will show it to some people to get feed back however I will not be printing or giving it to people.  

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