Saturday, June 4, 2011

Term Project - Book Update

Page Two and Three
Page Four and Five
Page Six and Seven
Page Eight
Above is a scratched outline of the book. It is a child's book about bubble gum.  I decided to focus on bubble gum instead of a bouncy ball. I think all kids when they are young like bubble gum and think it is real special when they get to chew gum.  Chewing gum is such a "Big Boy/Girl" thing to do when you are little because most parent don't allow their kids to have gum because of the mess.  I think outline show how $0.25 can give so much joy to a child.  It makes me think about when I was younger and how it was a treat to get gum from the gum machine at the store or restaurant.  I would always ask my mom for $0.25 to get gum.  
I haven't started on creating the idea in Photoshop however I know have an outline and an idea where I want to take this book. 

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